I'm not a religious person really, I do believe that there's something else out there, therefore, I'm wondering why?
Why am I alone? Why can't I find a nice guy? Why do skeeze bags always try to hit on me?
Now I am in University, the University of Western Ontario to be exact. Now those of you from Canada will know exactly what I'm talking about when I say this is a wild school. Those of you from outside of Canada, or who are not aware of my schools reputation, we are the party school of Canada.

Don't get the wrong impression, I mean, I love my school. We have insane school spirit, see our homecomings each and every year along with every football game. The Western Mustangs pretty much thrive on school spirit and the purple and white never fail to impress, even on regular school days.
On the contrary, we are the party school of all party schools, and it gets ridiculous. Soo much fun; this is the epitome of the University/College experience. But getting back to my miserable point, the guys mostly have one intention and one intention only: to hook up with girls.
I like to have fun, I like to go out with my friends and have a good time at the bars dancing because all though this school is a party school, the academics are fully up to par and we students need some way to release our stress, believe me, I have two exams this coming Saturday; a 4 hour business exam followed by a psych exam an hour after. I need a fun night out.
The guys here are either super nice and taken or super nice and gay (no homophobia here my friends, I love my gay guy friends). All the other schools hate Western because we are a cocky school. I'm totally not going to lie. This is because we do have one of the better football teams in Canada and Western Mustangs tend two own many many sports, so we do have a reason to be cocky; were not just doing it for fun. Also, we have a rep of being a good-looking school. Which brings me back to categorizing the guys: sexy.
Super sexy. But dicks. Super sexy, nice face, nice bod, nice hair, but total jerks, because they know how good looking they are. I've literally heard the same damn pick up like a solid 20, 30 times; it's getting a little old.
BASICALLY, if you didn't come from high school with a boyfriend, slim pickens you'll find one here.
So again, why am I alone? I'm not shy, but I'm definately not an "easy" girl, that's for sure, because if I was, I wouldn't be writing this post.
So if you're out there, anyone, please send me a nice boy, I'm getting more and more depressed seeing my roomates with their boys in love. It's rough. All joking aside, I just want someone to care for my the way I see their boys care for them, is that honestly too much to ask?
Live, Love, Laugh it out, PSG